
Essay outline

  1. Introduction
  2. Causes of accidents
  3. A horrible accident
  4. Developed countries
  5. Conclusion

Accident is an unpleasant event, especially in a vehicle, that happens unexpectedly and causes injury or damage.

Unfortunately, accidents are common in our country due to congested traffic on roads, substandard training of drivers and unfit vehicles.

The main causes of road accidents include reckless driving and crowded roads. Then people are not given awareness about traffic. Even there are no traffic lights in many busy crossings of large cities.

A few days ago, I came across a horrible accident. I was going to my college early in the morning. It was a morning of December. There was a dense fog all around and the visibility was very much poor. I could not see even a few yards ahead me. But the flow of traffic was as usual. Everyone was in a hurry and was trying to overtake the other. Traffic lights were out of order. I was standing at the bus stop when suddenly I heard a big crash and loud noise. A speedy car came and collided with a heavily loaded truck running equally at a high speed. The driver of the car died on the spot while a woman sitting at the back seat was wounded badly.

The driver of the truck jumped off the seat and slipped away in the fog. The people gathered at the scene of accident. Rescue 1122 reached in time and rushed the wounded woman to a nearby hospital. Next day, I read the detail of the accident in the newspaper. The woman’s condition was out of danger. The police arrested the truck driver later from a truck stand.

Accidents occur throughout the world but their ratio differs from country to country. In advanced countries, they are rare and less fatal while in developing countries, they are frequent and likely more fatal. This entire situation depends on how the affairs are managed.

Here are some suggestions to improve the state of affairs. The condition of roads should be improved. The rough roads must be repaired as early as possible. The regular examination for fitness of vehicles should be assured.

The discipline on the roads and traffic rules should be strictly enforced. Driving skills should also be scrutinized by the concerned authorities. At gross violation of traffic rules, the license-holders should be banned for some years as a penalty. No underage person should be allowed to drive a vehicle. Motorcyclists must be checked strictly as they are commonly involved in accidents.

Traffic police must be made more efficient. They should not grant any concession to the violators. Traffic signals must be made functional at every road in the city. Public must be given awareness about traffic rules. By observing the rules of traffic, the number of accidents may be reduced.

  Maliha Javed

  Saturday, 23 Nov 2019       657 Views

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