
Eassay Outline

  1. Introduction
  2. Nature
  3. Reading
  4. Teaching
  5. Internet browsing
  6. Window shopping
  7. Conclusion

In this modern world, desires have no end. There is a long list of things I want to do but lack of time give to do only a few. The most satisfying thing is that I ever remain busy in favorite pursuits which me happiness. Five things I love most are as follows:

I am a great lover of Nature. I love plants, grass, flowers, trees, birds, fruit, gardens, cool breeze, steep hills, valleys and rustic landscape. These are the things I am deprived of in the humdrum urban life. Whenever I go to my hometown, I enjoy the beauty of nature. I visit my farm and see the cattle. I spend most of my time on my lands and enjoy the objects of nature there.

Secondly, reading is my passion. I am very much fond of gaining knowledge. New awareness always fascinates me. I like reading poetry. Travelogues, weird news and novels. Novels are my favorite pastime. D. H. Lawrence is my favorite novelist. The pursuit of reading gives me peace of mind.

Thirdly, teaching is the profession I like the most. This is a great source of sharing knowledge with others. In college, I remain among youth and feel young myself. Conveying the knowledge to learners is a great experience for me. The environment of college also fascinates me a great deal.

Fourthly, browsing on the Internet is really a fun nowadays. I often check my emails and contact the friends by it. Then using Internet, I glean a lot of information. I remain aware of new developments in the world. Internet is a great source of knowledge for me.

The social networking websites, on the Internet, made it easy for me to contact and remain in touch with my friends.

Fifth and the last thing I often like to do is window shopping. It is also a source of knowledge and awareness. It helps me decide on future shopping. It also gives the idea of prices. Compare and contrast among variety of things enhances the power of my judgment.

Healthy activities are always necessary for our survival as sane human beings. If scheduled wisely, they benefit us a great deal. Everyone should have some kind of activities according to his taste and need. It is a great thing for fun and life. I have chosen above-mentioned five things which are dearest to me and are part and parcel of my life.

  Maliha Javed

  Tuesday, 26 Nov 2019       974 Views

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