
Eassay Outline

  1. Introduction
  2. Use of computer
  3. Importance of Information Technology
  4. Utility of Information Technology
  5. Conclusion

Information technology is the study or use of electronic equipment, especially computers, for storing and analyzing information. In other words, we may say that information technology belongs to every walk of life. It means the best ways and methods of gaining information or knowledge from every possible source that can help in promoting our work in all fields of life. It covers a wide range of knowledge from science, industry, engineering, commerce and medicine to education, travel, war, games, designing, sewing and cooking.

With the help of information technology, we can study the social, political and economic advancement in rich countries. By this way, we can learn also from their experience. Computer record may help us to study the evolution process of these countries. Thus we can devise a path of progress for ourselves. Information technology facilitates us to gather and view the summarized and condensed information on different projects for ready reference and use.

The main object for the communication of information is computer. The use of computer provides us the abounding information and knowledge in all fields of life. The different computer programs and systems take us to the stores of information. Day by day, world is progressing in making these programs up to date with varied applications. These advanced applications facilitate us a great deal in accomplishment of our tasks. Thus the most important is to learn computer operation and programming.

Information technology gives us awareness about latest developments in science, technology and the arts in the advanced world. In the past, no such device was within our reach.

We can communicate as far as the other corner of the world and send messages within no time. The email has worked wonders in this regard. The receiver can also send reply in the same moment without delay.

Information technology, in fact, reduced distances for mankind living in different continents. It has made the world a global village.

Institutions for teaching information technology exist in the country and they are serving the public. But most of them are expensive and unaffordable for a common man. For the collective benefit of the people, the government should set up its own institutions in every town and village with lower fee structure to meet the needs of the common people. In this way, not only the country will progress but also the problem of unemployment will be solved. The best qualified persons in this subject must be offered lucrative package so that they may serve in their own country and the problem of brain drain can be tackled. The government should plan to induct the qualified if experts in agriculture, industry and other technical fields so that the new learners could be encouraged. With the expansion of information technology, we may solve most of our problems like unemployment. Poverty, backwardness and illiteracy.

  Maliha Javed

  Wednesday, 27 Nov 2019       563 Views

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