
Eassay Outline

  1. Introduction
  2. Trend of immigration across the world
  3. Pakistanis and immigration
  4. Post 9/11 scenario and economic recession
  5. Conclusion

Immigration means the process of coming to live permanently in a country that is not your own. From time immemorial, people had to immigrate for better living. Advanced countries accept immigrants to meet their needs of manpower in different fields. But when they feel that they need no more immigrants, they introduce strict policies of immigration.

It is an interesting study that Pakistanis like to immigrate to England while the Britons like to settle in Australia and Spain. Indians like to go to America. Poles choose England. East European nations head towards France and Germany. Americans’ destination of choice is Canada. Australians travel to America and England. Some like Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Most of the people like to settle in Canada or Australia.

People travel to far off lands for study, better living or for permanent settlement. During the last some decades the trend of immigration increased a great deal in our country. No doubt, it benefited the public. Pakistanis immigrated to UK, America, Middle East, Canada, Australia, Norway and Sweden. Most of them settled there permanently. Others send foreign exchange to the country and help their families a lot.

Post 9/11 situation and the great economic recession across the world changed the whole scenario. America became tough on Pakistanis. West and the advanced world accept Pakistanis reluctantly. War in Afghanistan and terrorist activities in the country defamed the nation from pole to pole. Then economic recession increased unemployment throughout the world. In spite of all these hurdles, the enthusiasm of our countrymen did not slacken. Advertisements of immigration in the newspapers show that people are as usual eager to move to the greener pastures.

In fact, immigration is not a field to leave on the disposal of wayward struggles. It requires a planned and well managed process at national level under the foreign office. The government should develop good bilateral ties with developed countries. It should also coordinate with other countries and always keep in touch with their requirements. Then the government should produce the manpower according to their needs. It should concentrate on producing doctors, engineers, IT experts, economists, mathematicians, scientists, sociologists, chemists, linguists, nurses, hairdressers, plumbers, drivers and other technical hands which are demanded in abroad. By this way, we can solve many of our problems and develop our nation on the modern lines. In so far as the negative image of the nation is concerned, it is mostly based on misconceptions and misunderstandings. The foreign delegations and foreign high commissions in the country may be guided in this regard. Pakistan foreign ministry must be active and vigilant to reform the situation in the best interest of the nation.

  Maliha Javed

  Wednesday, 27 Nov 2019       671 Views

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