
Eassay Outline

  1. Introduction
  2. Usefulness of English
  3. Official language
  4. Muslim leaders and English
  5. Conclusion

English is the language, originally of England, now spoken in many other countries and used as a language of communication throughout the world.

In our country, a class of people considers English as a foreign language, neglecting the fact that it is international in its significance. It i a common language for all parts of the world today. Thus it is a great facility for a universal purpose. It is now the language of science and technology, language of the social sciences and the arts, language of modem medicine and surgery, language of business, commerce and banking. Libraries and bookshops provide a great deal of books in English on every subject. Then English offers a wide scope for scientific studies and research. Besides this, all the important books of every religion are readily available in English.

English is the official language of Pakistan. All the necessary correspondence in the country is carried on in this language. English is becoming the common language of all educated populace of Pakistan. A great fund of valuable literature is in English as well. With the help of English, we can read the great poetry, philosophy, history, law and other branches of knowledge. All the higher posts in the country are open only for those who know good English. The sublime profession of law is mostly practiced in English. So there are innumerable reasons why English should be compulsory medium of instruction for education at every level. English is rich in knowledge and vocabulary. It facilitates the user in every way.

English became deep-rooted language in the subcontinent after the exit of the British. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan went to great pains to convince the Muslims of subcontinent to learn English. For these services, even he has to face opposition within his companionship but he did not care. Actually, he realized that English is necessary to keep pace with the world. All the great leaders of the Muslims had a very good knowledge and command to English. It was certainly with the help of English that Quaid-e-Azam pleaded our case of freedom and got a free homeland for us.

Keeping in view the global significance of English language and it’ application over diverse fields we should promote it to enhance our knowledge and to reap the maximum advantages attached to this language. Everyone knows that with the passage of time the efficacy of Urdu i’ decreasing as the explosion of information and international media are promoting a global dominance and we cannot avoid its effects.

Therefore we have a dual responsibility of preserving our own language Urdu. Promoting it as an important language of the world, and gaining the knowledge of English as a need of the day.

  Maliha Javed

  Wednesday, 27 Nov 2019       635 Views

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