- Pain definition & origin
- Unidentified pains.
- Pain a great realistic problem
- Pain also a feared apprehension
- Two dimensions of pain
- Physical pain
- Emotional pain
- When do the relationship broke
- Pain in fact a difficult feeling to deal with
- My painful experience and their fruits in the long run
- Short lived panic experiences
- Effects of pain
- Beneficial aspects of pain
- Needless pain & their impacts
- Conclusion
What is pain? Pain is referred to as “an unpleasant sensation occurring in varying degrees of severity as a consequence of injury, disease, or emotional disorder.” The world is rooted in Middle English, farm an Old French pine, from Latin poena, meaning “penalty or pain”, and from Greek pointe, meaning “penalty”.
There is much pain that is quite noiseless; and that makes human agonies often a mere whisper in the hurrying existence. There are glances of hatred that stab and raise no cry of murder; robberies that leave man of woman forever beggared of peace and joy, yet kept secret by the sufferer-committed to no sound expect that of low moans in the nigh, seen in no writing except that made on the face by the show months of suppressed anguish and early morning tears. Many and inherited sorrow that marred a life has been breathed into no human ear.
Pain is very realistic problem that many individual face daily. People can wear pain on the outside like a mask, hiding them from the world, but it also can hide deep within them waiting o be freed some emotional circumstance. Oddly enough, pain is one on the most feared apprehensions in the mind of humans, yet in some situations, is the most rejoiced. In this paper I will take a close look at pain, from it’s true meaning to real life occurrences in which pain is a reality.
We all know what pain feels like, for everyone has experienced it at one time in their lives. There are two dimensions of pain; the physical and the emotional pain. Physical pain is a sensation of pure discomfort. For example, when you are walking through you are walking through your house and stump your toe on a table leg, you don’t just stand there and say, “The hurt.” You yell loudly to the world (either nice or naughty) that you stumped your toe. The physical aspects of pain can vary greatly from a sharp prick with a shot to the excruciating pain of childbirth.
Emotional pain has to be the most horrid, in my opinion, of all types of pain. It feels as if your insides are being wrenched out. Whereas physical pain will eventually go away, emotional hurt will always be lurking under the surface. When people are suffering emotional pain they resort to drastic measures, such as taking their own lives. Pain is a very difficult feeling to deal with.
I have had many painful experiences that I could share with you. Some of these changing my life eternally. One experience would be when I was in the army, and going through the hell referred to as basic training. It was very trying experience, both mentally and physically. It challenged me with new things that, until that moment, I never knew life could possess, I’m not saying that I enjoyed that drill sergeant spitting in my face or having my muscles so sore that I could barely walk, but damming as it may have been, it taught me one thing; discipline of the mind and of the body. If I had not gone to the army, I would not live by the standards that I do now.
There are also less painful experiences that only hurt at the time that they occur. Like the time that they occur. Like the time that I busted my nose playing baseball while covering second base. This guy hit a ground ball that hit a bump, jumped up and popped me between the eyes. At the time it hurt something awful, but by the next day it was practically forgotten so quickly, because is part of your daily regimen.
Pain has many positive effects and negative effects. You probably think I have gone off the deep end, but pain can be very beneficial. Such as a chiropractor who pops that spot in your back that has been bothering you for months. It can hurt at the time, but in the long run you will be thankful that you had it done. Another example would be childbirth. At time of the actual birth, I assume, it is very painful. But, when that precious bundle of joy comes out and those motherly instincts kick in, you forget there was any pain at all. You see, without the pain, your child would not have been born into his beautiful world we live in. Even though many would disagree, pain can be a good thing.