  1. Introduction
  2. Relationships are everywhere
  3. Relationships formed within a religious setting
  4. Relationships formed within a club setting
  5. Limited relationships within a party
  6. Nature of professionals relationships
  7. Relationships in educational setting
  8. Friendly relationships- most frank & trustable
  9. Conclusion
Whether it occurs in the home, at work, or many other placer. Human beings maintain relationships everywhere they go. People have different types of relationships. A person keeps a relationship with their mother, pastor, friend, and boss, but those relationship are all different. There are many different element to analyze when discussing a relationship. Many factors are involved, such as amount of time spent, amount of intimacy, types of activities participated in, and dependability of the relationship. The first type of relationship a person typically has, are ones that are formed within a religious setting, such as mosque, church, or temple. The amount of time spent within this relationship varies depending on how much type an individual devotes to his or her religion. However the amount of intimacy is usually very high, as one divulges most, if not all, of their personal problems and issues. The relationships formed within the religious setting is usually dependable in that one can rely of the people within the religious circle for advice and council, through the bond of a common faith. One participates in limited activities within this relationship, ones that are exclusive to activities that are in the religious setting, such as church bake sales and Sunday mass. Secondly, another type of a common relationship are formed within a club setting such as athletics and parties. The people one encounters in these types of setting may be very close to them, but only within the boundaries of a club. For example, two people on a football team may shed blood, sweat and tears for each other, but not necessarily be the best of friends after the seasons. In sports, the time spent with each other is usually a lot, a couple of hours every day at the very least. The amount of intimacy shared within athletics is not always abundant. The information shared between usually shared between stays within the boundaries of the particular sport in which they are participating. Likewise, dependability is not required for purposes other those related to athletics. For example, s football player can depend on his teammates to block for him in the game, but not to pay off his mortgage. Activities shared with teammates are most often limited to athletic practices, games and gatherings related to the particular sport. In comparison to athletics, party friends are similar in many ways. People who go to the same parties may see each other all the time, but they are not bound by their relationship to be very intimate with each other. One can party with another person every single weekend but not know many personal details about that other person very single weekend but not know many personal details about that other person. The time spent in these relationships are limited to how many social gathering a person wishes to attend. Dependability is minimals, as one does not want to rely on a person he or she gets drunk with to help in important matters. This form of relationship is purely for entertainment and not for reliability. Another necessary relationship n ones relationship is the professional relationship. These relationship are the ones that a person is involved with at their workplace. This type of relationship includes bosses, co-workers and customers. The time spent in within these relationships varies on one’s hours, but for the most part, takes up the bulk of her week. There is usually no personal information shared, as the relationships are purely business. Intimacy should be kept at minimum to maximize work efficiency. Dependability and reliability is an important factor, but strictly on job related issues. The work relationship is an important one, as it is generally his relationship with the strictest set of guidelines. Just those that occur in the work place. Another place people from relationship is in the educational setting. One associates with teachers and classmates by necessity, as interaction is required in the classroom setting. The time spent with the people one meets in this setting is limited to the time spent in a particular class. Interaction takes place from teacher-to-student and student-to-student, but this socialization is limited to the time spent in the class. Also, discussions on personal topics are limited, as the topic of discussion is most often decided by the courses curriculum. Thus, the amount of intimacy is kept at a minimum. Dependability is also kept at a minimum in the educational setting, as the only thing that one is depended upon to d

The relationship with arguably the biggest effect on one’s interest is the relationships with people one call friends. The time spent with friends is usually immense. Friends do most of their social activities together and as a result, intimacy is usually present. Depending on the degree of friendship, friends divulge their interests and secrets to each other. As result of this intimacy, reliability and dependability is most often at a high level. Friends trust each other with many secrets, depend on each other to lend them money, and rely on each other for help when one is caught in an emergency. Activities shared amongst friends are plentiful, including anything that is within a common interest. From going to a party to buying groceries, friends do everything they can together as long as they both enjoy it.

The most important and dependably relationship is the relationship one has with his family. A family relationship is, more often than, not, very close-knit. The amount of time spent in the family setting is from the day one is born until they die. Morals and values are transmitted mostly through the family relationship, and as a result shapes people to be who they are. Intimacy is a huge factor. Nobody knows and cares for a person better than their family. Likewise, when someone is trouble or needs some advice, the family is usually the most dependable people to go to. One’s family will help them get through mostly everything. From monetary problems to material problems, one’s family will always to be there for a shoulder to lean on. Activities shared within a family are just about anything that is family-related, like a nightly dinner or family reunions.

Throughout one’s life many types of relationships are developed, each with their own guidelines and elements. It is impossible for a person to go through life without having at least one type, of relationship. Whether it occurs at someone’s workplace, mosque, school, or in their home, people maintain relationships wherever they go. Just as there are many factors involved, such as amount of time spent, intimacy, types of activates, and dependability of the relationship, all different types of relationships are a necessity for one o live a normal, healthy life.

  Maliha Javed

  Thursday, 21 Nov 2019       474 Views

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