
The Purpose of Education - Essay Outline

  1. Introduction
  2. Source of employment
  3. Sublime purpose
  4. Achievement of purpose
  5. Failure in achievement of purpose
  6. Tailor-made education
  7. Conclusion

Purpose of Education is not Money Gain or Employment

Outwardly, the purpose of education does not seem a far-fetched idea. Nevertheless, it is the root cause of the whole academic activity. It, being so neglected, requires to be in the limelight and be assessed on a regular basis as well.

Instinctively, man is lured by the scope of material gain to fulfill his basic needs and to enjoy life. In our country, where the state does not ensure anyone to provide employment, people are bound to take education as a main source of getting employment. Thus, in our country, the pursuit of education is an overall academic investment arid the only purpose of education is to win daily bread. As such this end is not objectionable until it is the sole object in view. And this is where we are derailed. If we ponder over the prospects of the outcome of education, we will find a long range of direct achievements and by-products of education.

Fundamental Need in Life

In fact, it is hard to assess in the ever-changing world which kind of investment is more rewarding but it is clear that education is not the only and sure way to employment. Then from a prudent viewpoint, the other purposes, achieved by education, are of sublime and invaluable nature than mere employment as sustenance of life. For that reason, they can be called the fundamental purposes of education and financial advantage may be considered a fringe benefit or by-product of education.

Putting aside the financial aspect, the purpose of education is to make man a better living being. Education civilizes and trains him/her enough for this goal so that he/she may be justified to be the crown of creation. And this is the impact of education, which affects the learners inevitably.

Education and Practical Life

The most part of the syllabus certainly consists of the teachings of the virtue in one way or the other but in practical life as the student does not fin embodiment of this deductive text. And the teachers themselves and the 01cr elders do not practice what they preach. The student, in spite of reading and picking all the useful matter, does not make it the part of his/he’ practical life. In the absence of the examples worth following, the entire sublime syllabus is rendered ineffective. Thus we don’t witness the demonstration of the purpose of education anywhere in society.

Education to Have a Degree

In our country, the process of getting education mainly consists of the preparation according to the examinational point of view and ensuring good results at the end, which is a mechanical endeavor. In this struggle. The element of one’s training is quite out of question. The teachers merely stress upon the completion of the syllabus and the students on obtaining good marks in the examination through cramming by guesswork prepared by some shrewd mentor.

The policy-makers should devise effective education policy which may outline the purpose of education, keeping in view the needs of our society. The government should ensure that education is playing a reformative role in the lives of the people. The public should also coordinate to achieve the goals of education and to establish a peaceful society.

  Maliha Javed

  Thursday, 28 Nov 2019       641 Views

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