
Unemployment - Essay Outline

  1. Definition
  2. Causes
  3. Effects
  4. Solutions
  5. Conclusion

People without Job

Unemployment, as defined by the International Labor Organization, occurs when people are without jobs and they have actively looked for work within the past four weeks.

One of the causes of unemployment in Pakistan is worsening law and order situation.

Investors are losing confidence in the political and economic system of the country. Therefore, they are reluctant to invest. Consequently, new jobs are not being generated while the number of job seekers is rising continuously in the country.

Factors Causing Unemployment

Agriculture sector is facing severe challenges of water shortage, climatic changes and technological backwardness in recent years. These factors have hit the per acre yield negatively which caused losing of jobs of several people.

Industry is downsizing its labor force because of acute energy shortage which is causing severe damage to production capacity.

World economic recession coupled with American war against terror has also put negative impacts on our economy. It has doubled our expenditures on military.

Population increase is also a cause of unemployment in Pakistan.

Besides these factors, poor governance, deep-rooted corruption, faulty educational system, lack of quality educational institutions and feudalism are furt1ier aggravating the situation?

Consequences of Unemployment

Unemployed individuals are unable to earn money to meet financial obligations. Failure to pay rent may lead to homelessness. Unemployment increases susceptibility to malnutrition, illness, mental stress, and loss of self-esteem, leading to depression.

Correlation with Social Issues

For every 10 percent increase in the number of unemployed, there is an increase of 1.2 percent in total mortality, a 1.7 percent increase in cardiovascular disease, 1.3 percent more cirrhosis cases, 1.7 percent more suicides, 4.0 percent more arrests, and 0.8 percent more crimes reported to the police.

During a long period of unemployment, workers can lose their skills, causing a loss of human capital. Being unemployed can also reduce the life expectancy of workers by about 7 years.

How to Increase Employment?

The government must control the population. The government should take measures to increase its resources. The new industry should be set up in the country. Law and order situation should be improved to encourage foreign investment. The agriculture sector should be revolutionized. The network of services should be expanded. New jobs must be created. The advice of experts must be sought on this issue. The government must leave no stone unturned to solve the problem of unemployment which is the breeding ground of innumerable vices in society.

  Maliha Javed

  Thursday, 28 Nov 2019       593 Views

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