
Tolerance is The Strength of Society - Essay Outline

  • Introduction
  • Teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
  • A great virtue
  • Need of tolerance in society
  • Universal brotherhood for a global world
  • Dire need of tolerance in Pakistan
  • Conclusion
  • Tolerance in All Aspects

    Tolerance is defined as an attitude of mind which means putting up with other people irrespective of racial, political, psychological, and religious differences. Tolerance is the basic principle of the ideology of Pakistan. Pakistan was achieved in the name of Islam. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) taught tolerance when hatred and apathy were the order of the day. Tolerance is not a weakness but a virtue par excellence. It can help different races and classes resolve their differences amicably and work together for the welfare of human beings.

    Man is a Social Animal

    Man is a social animal. He cannot live alone. He must depend on others for his survival. He must cooperate and seek help from others. Every affair of his life is strongly connected with other human beings. There is no way for him except that he must live peacefully with others. As there is diversity in attitudes, likings, thoughts, and approaches, it is essential to tolerate one another peasantry. We should acknowledge the right of others to have a different approach than ours and we should accept it whole-heartedly.

    Nowadays, it is difficult to separate one nation from the other, because all the nations are almost mixed up. The Europeans have a prejudice against Muslims. They cannot tolerate the existence of any Muslim state in Europe. War in Bosnia is a vivid example of their fanaticism. Experts emphasize the need for tolerance for peaceful coexistence. If we have to save the world civilization from collapse, we will have to discard racial, psychological, and political prejudices. Tolerance, sympathy, art, and culture can achieve universal brotherhood.

    Division of the Modern World

    The modem world is sharply divided into races, nations, classes, colors, and sects. There are two solutions to the problem. One is the Nazi approach, which is the extermination of the opponents. The other is mutual tolerance. Nazi solution has failed to achieve its aim. It is the time we should try the second solution.

    Unfortunately, in Pakistan, regionalism is emerging. The political atmosphere is highly charged. Democratic traditions have not yet developed. Sectarianism is rapidly growing. Ethnic feelings have increased. All these trends are posing a serious threat to the integrity of the system and the country.

    In these circumstances, we need tolerance and goodwill. Political, social, and religious harmony can be achieved only through tolerance. We should tolerate each other and learn to live in harmony.

      Maliha Javed

      Thursday, 28 Nov 2019       736 Views

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