
Travelling as a Part of Education - Essay Outline

  1. Introduction
  2. Source knowledge
  3. Favorite pastime
  4. Desired change
  5. Travelogues interesting study
  6. Visit to historical places
  7. Social benefits
  8. Going abroad
  9. Conclusion

Traveling is a Great Source of Knowledge and Wisdom

There is no doubt that traveling is a great source of knowledge and wisdom A traveler meets different people and visits different places. Thus he knows a lot about them. In this way, he acquires a great fund of knowledge. Many educational and professional institutions organize tours for their students and employees to refresh their potential. In the West traveling is a favorite pastime for the youth.

Traveling Breaks the Ice

Travelling is the desired change which gives us relief from the routine boring work. We forget our worries, being away from them for some time. It gives us an opportunity to see the people of different areas. We come to know their sorrows, joys. Aspirations, deprivations, and their problems. In this way, we learn about their habits, customs, and ways of life.

Travelogues are best-sellers

Travelogues are best-sellers all over the world because they provide the readers with knowledge and awareness about the countries and their inhabitants But traveling and seeing all the things with one c own eyes is really a great pleasure which has no substitute. Travelling imparts us a first natal. Fresh and reliable knowledge of things.

Exploring Heavenly Beauty

It is a common practice that the people visit historical places and learn a lot about them, some go to the places which are known for their scenic beauty. There is no dearth of such places in our country. Our northern areas arc famous all over the world for natural beauty. The tourists visit these areas round the year from fat oft places. Valley of Kashmir. Kaghan. Narran. Murree Hills. Valley of Balakot and Kalaam display heavenly beauty.

Among the other beautiful places in northern part. There are ta –meadows which are famous around the globe for its charming beauty Bacon says.

Traveling Provides On Spot Education

Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education in the elder a part of the experience.” Travelling makes us tolerant and friendly. We earn to be hospital and kind to others. It also reduces our narrow-mindedness and enlarges our vision. We come to know the social and cultural values of others rend earn many useful things from them. It creates a sense of brotherhood. Ii reduces prejudices and removes the rudeness. It gives us an opportunity to understand others points of view and broaden our outlook By traveling to far-off lands, we come of known the progress. of nations. We learn the ways and means of others and try to adopt imitate and improve those techniques at home. Traveling promotes cooperation among nations and provides an opportunity to exchange their fund of knowledge for the greater benefit of mankind.

It is essential that individuals and groups must plan traveling tours at regular intervals around the year to promote their knowledge and to refresh their spirit for greater performance in life.

  Maliha Javed

  Thursday, 28 Nov 2019       636 Views

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