
Essay Outline

  1. Introduction
  2. Countenance
  3. Demeanor
  4. Exceptional qualities
  5. Conclusion

My Best Teacher

Teaching is not merely a profession but a passion. And some of the teachers, though not many, meet the definition in its truest sense. A large number of teachers’ contribution makes our future bright. It is said that there is always an able person behind an able person. And often this person is an eminent teacher.

Every one of us has a favorite teacher. I came across a number of teachers but the teacher who influenced me most is Malik Muhammad Abdullah. I always say that he is my best teacher.

Personal Qualities

He has a beard of formal cut. He is religious-minded. He always dresses soberly. He is small in stature.

He is very kind but rigid and harsh to the work shirkers. He is hard on those who try to make mischief during his lecture. He is very cooperative. He is very considerate to all. He has a cheerful disposition. He is an ideal person as well.

He has special traits and vast knowledge which make him favorite in the whole environment of college.

He pays surprise visits to check the mischievous students. He is an inborn and devoted teacher. He has great interest in his profession. He is our class in charge. He teaches us English.


He daily teaches us an extra period in English. For this, we are bound to reach college before time. He lays special emphasis on grammar.

He is a studious person and prepares his lectures exclusively. He is the most popular teacher in our college. All the students respect and obey him.

He has dedicated the precious span of his life to education. He extracts pleasure from teaching. He teaches all the students with a missionary spirit. Life is a highly experienced teacher. He applies personal methods of teaching high are very interesting.

Builder of the Nation

Malik encourages. The students to ask questions. He is a foreign qualified teacher. He is an authority on his subject. Many of his students possess high positions in government offices. He is the builder of the nation in the true sense of the word.

He plays games with the students every day. He is very punctual and regularly attends his classes. He always teaches us the virtues and values to make us good human beings and noble citizens. He is highly impartial and never discriminates among his students. I pray for his long life and happiness.

The young generation spends most of its time in the company of teachers who influence them a great deal. If we have such competent and ideal teachers in our educational institutions, we may train our youth as good citizens for building a healthy society.

  Maliha Javed

  Thursday, 28 Nov 2019       682 Views

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