
Pleasure of reading - Essay Outline

  1. Introduction
  2. Background
  3. Changing trends
  4. Importance of reading
  5. Sources of study
  6. Conclusion
“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” (Richard Steele — the Tattler)

History of Reading

Reading is as old a pursuit as the man himself. In fact, reading in older times was a pleasure-giving activity. Most people read for the sake of entertainment. They were eager to study historical novels of Naseem Hijazi and the poetry of classical poets. Then detective stories gain popularity among readers. In those days, resources of recreation were limited. Cinemas provided entertainment but cinema-goers were low in number. Games facilities were next to nothing. There was only a state-run television station that started its transmission in the evening to midnight. Among these options reading held a prominent place. Book reading was a popular social trend among the literate populace.

Today, with the advent of varied sources of entertainment, reading habits in our country are affected. Now television is the most popular source of entertainment. Most people enjoy 24 hours transmission by a large number of TV channels. They spend most of their time before television in the evening.

But despite this ground reality, the importance of reading is intact.

Changing Sources of Reading

Now, we have more sources of study than our ancestors.

Today a large number of newspapers and electronic media provide fresh coverage to the masses. Publishing houses are keeping the pace to publishing books on current issues. Now newspapers, magazines, and books are available to quench the thirst for knowledge on any subject. Internet is another tremendous facility that provides matter in every walk of life.

Reading is Still Intact

In the advanced world, reading is still in vogue. Books, newspapers, and magazines have great circulation in developed societies. There is no doubt that knowing something new is great fun. Pleasures of reading are intact despite the change in human preferences.

In our society, reading habits are dwindling due to the more glamorous. ways of entertainment.

This trend damaged the future of new generation. Parents are not paying due attention to the choice of their children. They should help them in chalking out a useful schedule for their better future. They should also keep an eye on their activities. Teachers should guide them in matters of study. They must develop their character. All the great men acquired a great fund of knowledge through reading. All the remarkable achievements of famous people are due to their spending a lot of time in study and reading.

Reading should not be at random; it should be selected and choosy. It must be balanced. A man should neither be a bookworm nor does indifferent to books altogether.

  Maliha Javed

  Thursday, 28 Nov 2019       516 Views

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