
Population explosion in Pakistan - Essay Outline

  1. Introduction
  2. Reasons
  3. Effects
  4. Suggestions
  5. Conclusion

Growing Population in Pakistan

Population of Pakistan is increasing at an alarming rate. This has given rise to multidimensional problems in our country. At present, it has become difficult for the government to meet the rapidly growing needs of the huge population with its scarce resources. The growth rate of Pakistan is among the highest in the world. Every year almost four million people are added to the already overburdened economy. This rapid increase in population has become an obstacle to our economic progress.

Access to Basic Needs

A great number of people have no access to the health services. Safe drinking water is also not available at many places. Many people do not have the sanitation facilities. A lot of children are not provided with primary education. According to a report issued by United Nations, about four million people are living below the poverty line. Ever-increasing population has created housing and settlement problems.

Majority of the population of our country lives in the rural areas. In these regions, agriculture is the only profession and in agricultural processes, children are considered very helpful for the parents. This factor encourages the parents to have more children.

The male baby is welcomed more warmly than a baby girl. This factor acts as an incentive for more and more children, till a suitable number of male babies is achieved.

In addition to these, the early age marriages in the rural areas prove potential large size family-makers.

Another factor is polygamy which is allowed and practiced in our society. This gives rise to an enlarged family size.

Growth Rate in Various Countries

As of 2012, the average global birth rate is 19.15 births per 1,000 totals Population. According to the CIA ‘s The World Facebook, the birth rate in Pakistan, in 2012, is 24.30 while in New Zealand it is 13.57, UK 12.27, Canada 10.28, Germany 8.33 and Hong Kong 7.54.

Scarce Resources

Some problems associated with human overpopulation are inadequate drinking water, effluent discharge, and depletion of natural resources, increased levels of pollution, poverty, low life expectancy, unhygienic living conditions and elevated crime rate.

Muslim's Faith about Population

It is a matter of faith with the Muslims that Almighty Allah provides the needs of every child and the parents are having no obligation in this regard. The Muslims are staunch believers in fate and so they do not follow family planning programmers. These programs are generally considered against the spirit of Islam.

Steps Taken by Government of Pakistan

Government of Pakistan applied several measures to reduce the adverse impacts of overpopulation. The government has begun to implement social marketing strategies in order to educate the public on overpopulation effects. A variety of print materials (flyers, brochures, fact sheets, stickers) are produced and distributed throughout the communities. Certain government policies are making it easier and more socially acceptable to use contraception and abortion methods.

In the late 1990s the government of Pakistan started two programs to control the population. These were named primary health care and population planning. These were implemented through the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Population Welfare respectively. To resolve the issue, the following suggestions may prove very fruitful.

Marriages at mature age should be encouraged. The services of Ulemas should be utilized in order to convince the people that family planning programs are not contrary to Islamic values.

The electronic media should also be utilized to convey the message to the public. Now the time has come that if we want to make Pakistan a prosperous country, we should not leave any stone unturned in reducing the population growth rate. This will lead the country towards a stage where it will be able to provide all the basic necessities of life to everyone.

  Maliha Javed

  Thursday, 28 Nov 2019       512 Views

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