
My Favorit Pet - Essay Outline

  1. Introduction
  2. Dog my pet
  3. A source of pleasure
  4. Characteristics
  5. Conclusion
All animals, except man, know that the principal business of life is to enjoy it — and they do enjoy it as much as a man and other circumstances will allow. (Samuel Butler)

Pets are Part of Life

An animal, a bird, etc. that you have at home for pleasure, rather than one that is kept for work or food, is called a pet. Pets are parts of a household from time immemorial. People most commonly get pets for companionship to protect a home or property or because of the beauty/attractiveness of the animals. The most common reasons for not owning a pet are lack of time lack of suitable housing and lack of ability to care for the pet he- traveling. The most popular pets are dogs, cats, parrots, and pigeons.

Dog is the Best Companion

My favorite pet is a dog—Timmy. Once I visited one of my friends. He showed me his dogs. They were not ordinary ones. Thus I caught the idea of keeping a dog.

I managed to get one from a relative in the village. It was a pleasant experience that brought me great relief from stress and loneliness. I studied a number of books on dogs. Thus I got the necessary knowledge of their food and care. Dogs are a world in itself.

I made friends with a host of dog lovers. Thus this activity offers some pleasure in many ways.

Timmy is very faithful. He loves to join my company. In my neighbor whoever saw him admired his gentle nature. A great number of people should interest in purchasing him. But it is impossible for me to live without such a sincere companion.

A source of pleasure

If sometimes I am not at home, Timmy waits for me impatiently and often receives me from a long distance and clings to my legs. He is neat and clean and does not make fuss and disorder. He is disciplined. He has a sharp memory. He never barks at my guests. He even understands a lot of instructions which I give him now and then.

Keeping pets is a healthy leap but everything has its limitations. If we do not manage our time according to the needs of our life we shall certainly suffer a great deal. 1ts are our companions and a gift of nature. They give us pleasure and soothe our tired nerves with their kind closeness. But love for animals should not be turned into a mania otherwise it will disturb the normal course of our life, resulting in hardships and suffering for us and for our family.

  Maliha Javed

  Thursday, 28 Nov 2019       680 Views

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