
The Hobby of my life - Essay Outline

  1. Introduction
  2. Pigeon breeding
  3. A beautiful breed of pigeons
  4. A source of relaxation
  5. Pigeon Dom a world in itself
  6. Conclusion

Hobby is an activity that you do for pleasure when you are not working.

In “The Conquest of Happiness”, Bertrand Russell advises that we must have some interests outside the main activities in which our faculties have been exhausted in day’s work.

My Hobby is Pigeon breeding

In our society, hobbies are not usually pursued systematically. Most of the people do not have leisure to afford a hobby. Then, there is no concept of enjoying life in our culture. Most of the people remain busy from dawn to dusk to earn their livelihood. I am a lover of nature. I love birds, especially pigeons. I breed Shirazi’ pigeon. In “Encyclopedia of Pigeon Breeds”, Wendell M. Levi named this breed as “The Lahore.”

This is a fancy pigeon known for its impressive size and gentle nature. For a very long time, this bird was bred in the present area of Lahore, Pakistan. They are some of the most colorful pigeons. These were once bred for their meat, but today they are raised for their beautiful plumage and colorful patterns.

Worldwide Hobby

Today, the clubs for The Lahore pigeon are found in America, Germany and Australia. In Pakistan, this breed is commonly kept in southern Punjab.

T converted the attic of my house into a pigeon loft and bought some pairs of above-mentioned pigeons from a fancier in Multan. It was a very pleasant experience with brought me great relief from stress and loneliness. I studied a number of books on breeding. Pigeon Dom was a world in itself. I made friendship with a host of pigeon fanciers. Thus this activity offered me pleasure in many ways.

Profitability in Hobby

The pairs’ production was so rapid that within some months they multiplied. It was a great pageant of beauty. As the pigeons increased in number, my happiness knew no bounds.

Though it was a strange field for me yet I learned about food, care, breeding, housing, diseases, and cures of pigeons by and by. Now I am an expert breeder. The pigeon fanciers far and wide consult me in the matters of pigeons. They often buy extra produce of pigeons from me. In this way, I not only meet the expenses of pigeons’ feed but also save some money to buy some rare patterns of this breed. I also came to know that in many parts of the world pigeon breeding is a profitable business as well and hundreds of thousands of people are attached to this industry.

No doubt, we cannot expect the same outcome from a hobby as we require from our professional work. Anyhow, I am fully satisfied with my hobby. It seems advisable that everyone should pursue the hobby in which one has a maximum interest. Only then one can reap the satisfactory results of it.

  Maliha Javed

  Thursday, 28 Nov 2019       680 Views

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