
The Place of Woman in Our Society - Essay Outline

  1. Introduction
  2. Importance of women in society
  3. The position of women in villages and cities
  4. Women in advanced countries
  5. Gender gap
  6. Conclusion

Women Contribute Half of the World

The position of women is a significant aspect of consideration throughout the world. They make half of the world and more than that no evolution is possible without their active participation in the process of life. They are assigned diverse roles in different eras. Today women have covered a long distance towards progress and prosperity.

Woman has a crucial role in the set-up of a family. Whether she is a daughter, sister, wife, or mother, she has to deal with the core issues in the scheme of familial life.

The position of women is not satisfactory in our society. In villages, they are more backward.

They arc exploited at every step. Our society is male dominant. Women have to lead their lives according to the will of their male guardians. They cannot choose their path of career. They cannot marry with their own free choice. They are bound to serve their family as humble servants. They cannot make decisions about their affairs of life. They are subjected to torture. They face violence and live under pressure. They are suppressed in every walk of life.

Working Women in Cities

In cities, the situation is rather better but still needs a lot of improvement. Working women have to face sexual harassment. They are commonly subjected to discrimination. They cannot claim equality. They do not enjoy equal rights of movement. They are bound to obey their male members.

Status of Women in Advanced Countries

In advanced countries, the situation is quite different. There is a rule of law. And state and indigenous culture safeguard the rights of women. Government and law enforcement agencies ensure justice to them. Help is readily available in any irregularity. Then the availability of justice is easy and sure. Basic human rights are acknowledged by everyone. Women are given equal opportunity to flourish in every walk of life. They sometimes complain against male misconduct but their grievances are addressed properly and they are given relief in every possible way.

Gender Gap in Pakistan

In our country, there is a huge gender gap. Unfortunately, the sorrowful state of affairs is generally accepted as an inevitable way of life. Our women are lagging far behind men. Some exceptional cases are also there where woman are leading but the majority of them is in a miserable condition.

Economic Freedom

First of all we should realize that women are also human beings like men and they have the same human rights as are entitled to men. They should be given all the rights which are mentioned in the Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations and in the holy books of Islam. They should be educated like men and should be given equal opportunity in every sphere of life. All this can be achieved only when we shall give them economic freedom and basic liberties as the respectable citizens of this country.

  Maliha Javed

  Thursday, 28 Nov 2019       826 Views

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