

Unemployment Problem In Pakistan Part 1

  1. Introduction
  2. Unemployment monster-a threat to the state
  3. Kinds of Unemployment
  4. Three important phases of unemployment in Pakistan
  5. A global threat in recent years
  6. Impacts of unemployment
  7. Unemployment monster- a big waist of man power
  8. A source of stigma and inferiority complex
  9. A source of frustration and family quarrels
  10. Unemployment and increase in crime rate
  11. Causes of unemployment
  12. Population growth
  13. Defective education system
  14. Defects in Agriculture system
  15. Machinery
  16. Lack of regulations in demand & supply of employment
  17. Capitalist- an instrument of unemployment
  18. Remedies
  19. Agro-methods should be revolutionized
  20. Reforms in modern system of education
  21. Effective generation of industrial potential
  22. Change in foreign trade & policy
  23. Replacement of capitalistic system by Islamic social system
  24. Stoppage of brain-drain
  25. Conclusion

Alas Even our grieves of yesterday are changed by ne grieves of tomorrow. Very few people can afford to be poor and unemployed. It is no figure of speech to say that the problem of unemployment is hanging like a sword of Damocles on the head of our country. Unemployment means lack of employment, inability to find work for which one is suitable by nature or attainments. This is a problem which exists more or less in every country.

Unemployment is the mother of measureless ills. It is a poison: pollutes the society and wrecks the political fabric of the country. It turns law-abiding and honest men into criminals and dacoits. It encourages dishonestly, patronizes corruption, glorifies falsehood, and brings into light to dark side of human character. It is difficult to expect truth, nobility and honesty from a person who cannot have two square meals a day, and who cannot provide morsel of food or a does of medicine to his sick wife or ailing children. He can have no sense of self-dignity for he has no sense of security. A long spell of poverty and unemployment is a great menace to the state. It creates discontent, discontent generates disaffections, disaffection breeds sedition may culminate in a revolution. It is therefore, the first and foremost duty of a state to give employment to its citizen and keep them busy doing some work on other so that they may have no time to nourish unhealthy, disaffectionate and seditious thoughts.

According to Sir W. Beverage, It is ‘’better to employ them on digging holes and filling them up again than not to employ them at all’’.

Economists have distinguished several types of unemployment, related to particular causes.First, structural unemployment is caused by changes in the industrial structure, for example the decline in manufacturing industry or the introduction of new technologies which reduce the need for labour.The second types is Cyclical unemployment, which is caused by a tendency for he economic to go through periods of boom and recession in demand and production.Third, frictional unemployment result from people being unemployment between jobs or before hay start work.Finally, there is voluntary unemployment, where people choose not to work, perhaps because wages are too low to provide an incentive.The problem of unemployment in our country has now become national problem. It is difficult to estimate the number of people who are unemployed but not counted in the official statistics. It has affected educated classes as well as uneducated masses, machine workers as well as the tillers of he soil.Broadly speaking, there are three important phases of unemployment in our country.

The first and foremost phase of this problem is the country-wise unemployment among the educated class of people. There are thousands of matriculates and graduates in Pakistan for the absorption of which no adequate demand exists. Pale and specter-thin these white collars pass from street to street tapping at various offices from dawn to dusk only to be told that there is no vacancy.

The second phase of this problem is industrial unemployment. The post-war slump and decontrol, the enforcement of prohibition and heavy taxation, introduction of ne mechanical processes and labour-saving devices, frequent strikes and lockouts and the cycle of recurring depressions in trade and commerce have resulted in thousands of mail and factory laborers being thrown out of employment.

The third phase of this problem equally serious, is agricultural unemployment. As nearly 70 percent of our total population is dependent on agriculture, unemployment among fieldwork has meant misery and hardship to thousand. Our peasant depends holly and agriculture. They work only four and five months while the rest of the year they sit i

Pakistan lunch in May, 1973 an aggressive programme for providing immediate employment to educated skilled people. Our country to decided to provide interim employment of those possessing technical and professional diplomas or higher educations. The volunteers enrolled under this scheme received a standard stipend depending on their qualification and experience. Several programmes have been planned for a partial solution of the problem of unemployment.The unemployment problem in Pakistan has become very serious in the recent year. The economic well-being of the country depends greatly upon the solution of the problem of unemployment. Countries like England, France, U.S.A., etc. are also facing the problem of unemployment.

In the communist countries like Russia and china, the problem of unemployment can be solved easily by employing all the idle population on any available job. In the constitution of Russia work is both right and duty. It is the possibility of the state there to provide work to the people. Side by side, it is also the duty of citizens to do same work. It is written in their constitution that he who shall not work, neither shall he eat.Unemployment is a big waste of manpower. It means that while the people are willing to work, they have no work to do. It is a short of forced idleness in: the absence of work. Unemployment is the one of the most important reason of poverty and backwardness in Pakistan.

The number of job-seekers on the live register of employment exchanges show an even increasing unemployment. It is also notable that there are no employment exchanges in the rural areas to register the unemployed in the villages. In the rural areas also millions of people are either fully unemployed or semi-unemployed. About thirty percent population of Pakistan is living below the poverty line.The reason for regional inequalities are complex, but one explanation lies in the concentration of particular industries in difficult to secure employment, since jobs of the vacancies which exist are for killed workers. Related to this, manual workers are more likely to be unemployment then non-manual workers.

Common themes in people’s account of unemployment are feelings of shame and uselessness. People start to feel that they are on the scrap-heap of society and that they have nothing to offer, or that society has no need of heir talents and abilities.Unemployment is a source of stigma and leads to feelings of inferiority complex and failure. People who are out of work also feel isolated, missing the social life at work and avoiding people out of embarrassment.Unemployment can also have a brutalizing effect and there are examples in our daily life of people who turn to violence, racism and brutalized sexual fantasy to escape the boredom and meaninglessness of their days.

Unemployment can have brutalizing and unhealthy effect on health. A recent survey by health visitors indicated an increasing level of sickness and depression. Stress and anxiety can cause physical aliments, as well as mental illness. There have also been a number of suicides by unemployment people. The effect of unemployment reach further than just those individuals without work. Whole families suffer from poverty and the anxiety of having a member out of work. Problems occur in a variety of situations and anxiety is expressed in different ways.There is a tendency for people to take out feelings of frustration on people Close to them. Stress can causes family quarrels and ultimately marital breakdown. There is also the risk of violence when frustration and resentment build up.

Unemployment causes problems for communities and for society as a whole as well as for individuals and families. Communities become demoralized when a high proportion of people are out of work and no employment is available. Poverty also leads to physical deterioration of problems and empty factories or warehouses give a feeling of to an area. Commercial and shopping facilities are also effected a big super markets are reluctant to open branches in areas, where people have no money to spend.The level of crime and vandalism in poor districts may be caused by unemployment, although this relationship is a difficult to prove conclusively. Some one who is unemployed already need not fear losing his job. Unemployed people cannot pay large fines, although obviously they can still be fined. For some young people, there is even a feeling that being sent’ to prison would not make much difference to their lives. Increased pressure on health and society as a whole. The cost to society of such events is immeasurable, although direct costs of unemployment can be calculated.

Unemployment is issue of national concern and there are initiatives and programmes put toward to alleviate the situation.

The causes of unemployment are generally as follows:

  Maliha Javed

  Wednesday, 13 Nov 2019       663 Views

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