
It is unfortunate for Pakistan that the key foreign policy areas such as relations with Afghanistan, India and even Iran are vertically virtually frozen. Indo-U.S. relations are improving accompanied by deepening rapprochement between China and India. As Pak-Iran relations have been allowed to drift, or worsen as a result of the mishandling over Afghanistan, the Indian relation have shown signs of better hearth. For a country for whom diplomacy is the first line of defence, Pakistan looks dangerously isolated. Even on issues such as the Central Asia, Pakistan has done nothing. Further the fear of offending America prevents it from expressing on issues such as current bullying to Libya and the excess of hardship being caused to common Iraqis etc. It seems a pity that at such a formative phase in the world affairs Pakistan should have a government that has so much to feel unconfident of itself, one which even if it had the ability to think boldly would be deterred by the worry about what is politically expedient to itself and what is not. A senior foreign ministry official has described the current foreign policy, “The country’s foreign policy is like a ship on the high seas that has lost its bearings and its way”.

It is unfortunate for Pakistan that the key foreign policy areas such as relations with Afghanistan, India and even Iran are vertically virtually frozen. Indo-U.S. relations are improving accompanied by deepening rapprochement between China and India. As Pak-Iran relations have been allowed to drift, or worsen as a result of the mishandling over Afghanistan, the Indian relation have shown signs of better hearth. For a country for whom diplomacy is the first line of defence, Pakistan looks dangerously isolated. Even on issues such as the Central Asia, Pakistan has done nothing. Further the fear of offending America prevents it from expressing on issues such as current bullying to Libya and the excess of hardship being caused to common Iraqis etc. It seems a pity that at such a formative phase in the world affairs Pakistan should have a government that has so much to feel unconfident of itself, one which even if it had the ability to think boldly would be deterred by the worry about what is politically expedient to itself and what is not. A senior foreign ministry official has described the current foreign policy, “The country’s foreign policy is like a ship on the high seas that has lost its bearings and its way”.

  Maliha Javed

  Wednesday, 13 Nov 2019       565 Views

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