

Unemployment Problem In Pakistan Part 2


Every census reveals rapid growth of population, both in cities and village. In fact, population has been growing for the last twenty five years all over the world, but Pakistan is the greatest sinner in the respect. Every year thousand of new months are born to be fed and with this the poorer would become the standard of living and what ever progress is being made every year is eaten up by the increasing population.

The education system is so defected as to render the education men unfit for useful occupations. The system of education originally devised by Macaulay in this country has provide to be a curse. It only produce clerks and no industrial education worth the name is imparted. True education means complete development of each individual’s body, capacity of brain and soul. Education is Government’s responsibility. The present system of education is defective and calls for complete overhaul.

In an agricultural country like Pakistan, cultivatable land, according to its land laws, is held in tenancies and is controlled by a minority (under zamindari). It becomes too disintegrated to yield useful and profitable means of livelihood for the majority. Owing to purchase, partition, fragmentation and other reasons, small holdings impede the progress of large-scale cultivation. On account of these small holdings, modern methods of agriculture cannot be successfully carried out unless the Government to abolishes the Zamindari system.

The development of towns, cities and industrial centres, where many labour-saving devices are introduced for quicker mass-production, have resulted in throwing many manual workers out of employment.

In certain seasons, for want of subsidiary, occupation to keep them engaged in other filed of activity, agriculturists have to remain idle. In addition to this majority of adult of population, a farmer has no means to eke out his existence.

The government should their ensure that at no time should the number of jobs be fewer than the number of unemployment persons. Similarly the demand and supply of labour should also be properly regulated. Fractional unemployment will, however, have to be accepted during the periods of adjustment.

The capitalists are also responsible foe causing the problem of unemployment. Unemployment arises from a variety of causes. It is a serious problem to eliminate all causes of unemployment. There are occasional causes of unemployment. When there is a marked diminution in the quality of any view product, such as cotton; fewer hands are required in the mills and factories. We may call this cause ‘bad harvest’. And yet another serious cause is a strike or lockout and this is more to be deplored because such a stoppage of work is sometimes due to trivial causes.

Here are given some remedies o get rid of unemployment in Pakistan has now become such a complicated economic, social and political issue that unless immediate and effective steps are taken to upset its scourge, it will eliminate law and order in the country. Half measures or actions of temporary nature will not in any way affect the situation. It is a fact that no one solution can be wholly sufficient for solving the problem of unemployment in our country.

Before the problem of disguised or semi-employment among the Pakistani peasants can be solved, methods of cultivation must undergo revolutionary changes. Irrigation facilities must be improved so that agriculture does not remain at the mercy of rains. Waste tracts of land should be brought under the plough and area under cultivation must be raised by land reclamation schemes. Use of chemical manures, better seeds, better system of crop rotation, better sowing and better drainage are some of the other measures that can be adopted. Above all, the farmers should be taught the importance of cooperation in agriculture. The utilization of co-operative devices for bringing about agricultural improvement can work wonders.

In other to tackle the colossal problem of unemployment among the educated people, radical reforms in the modern system of education are needed. We have to overhaul our educational system from top to bottom in the order ton in with the changing conditions of modern life brought about by the rapid growth of science and technology. The swarm of clerks and white collar job-seekers should be permanently eliminated by a system of education, the main emphasis of which should be laid on the side of practical and useful being. Our new educational institutions should be in the nature of occupational institution which should prepare our boys and girls for specific vacations in life. There should be the closest coordination and integration between our educational and industrial programmes. More rural universities should be established for giving practical and latest training in the art of scientific farming and agriculture to the village folks.

Industrial development is our solitary hope to relieve us from the miseries of unemployment. There is no lack of manpower, cheap labour, raw material, and mineral resources of in our country but it is our misfortune that they are not scientifically used for the benefit of common people. If the water of many rivers that flow uselessly into oceans is used scientifically, but also employment will be provided to many hands. We have to plan and exploit, the status of the country , and o improve national income and living of the masses.

Along with industrial development there should also be development of our rural cottage industries and native handicraft. In a well-balanced economy, the two should be coordinated in a useful purpose. Today, we may encourage not only spinning and weaving but also other industries and handicrafts which are suitable for different areas having regards to the necessary raw material, labour supply and the capital resources available. It is hoped that it government makes provision for the guidance and training of rural artisans, for making raw materials available to them at cheaper rates. For better marketing facilities by periodical arrangements for holding industrial markets and exhibitions, a large number of villagers will be prevented from flocking into industrial centres in search of employment.

In order to encourage national industries and the consumption of native goods, the government should change its policy of foreign trade and commerce. Imports of foreign goods in our country should be discouraged as far as possible by imposing heavy exercise duties on hem. Our exports of finished goods must be facilitated at all costs to capture the markets abroad. As a result of these measures our industries would flourished and employ more skilled and unskilled workers in order o meet the growing demand of the public of their products.

Above all, the capitalistic system of our society should be replaced by the Islamic socialist pattern. The problem of unemployment is inherent in a capitalistic pattern. The problem of unemployment is inherent in a capitalistic system because the view before the capitalist is not of national welfare but of his personal profit. He would never consider the needs of the nation but run only those industries which are calculated to bring him the maximum of profit with the minimum of expenditure. Moreover, when a slum or depression comes in trade, he closed down his industries at a movement’s notice. The result is that thousand are thrown out of jobs and are left to stare on the road side or live as a government doles. War the only remedy which is much more terrible than the disease itself. On the contrary, unemployment is all together unknown to the socialist system like that of Russia or China for the simple reason that the capitalist with selfish aim of exploitation does not exit there. The state guarantees work, food and clothing to every one. Industries are run for the benefit of workers themselves. Production is always planned. In Pakistan, this sort of system can be helpful and useful for those who are jobless and unemployed. Who do not favour the nationalization of industries but plead for proper vigilance and check by the government.

More and more export-oriented industries should be set up to increase the pace of industrialization and create more job opportunities for the workers in order to solve the unemployment problem.

More or less, all the backward countries are suffering from the problem of brain-drain. Pakistan is also facing his problem seriously at the present movement. To earn the gratitude of their people, let every Pakistani scientist, engineer, doctor, pharmacist and technician share, the privilege of participating in the noble test of nation building. There are many young, people, who when they do not find a paying job or suitable post follow the example of other living abroad, because the stipends in foreign countries are very attractive. Unemployment and underemployment make such competent ones to go to foreign countries. This should be stopped and discouraged at all costs.

The crises like that of the gulfs sometimes create unemployment problem. This problem is being faced by many non- Kuwaitis who have come back to heir respective country as jobless and unemployment has become heir problem of problems. Their problem cannot be solved easily but with an international effort very special to provide the losers of jobs alternative tasks to feed their families and fitful their own requirements.

We forget that if we do not do work, the work will not be done. This generation of ours is condemned to hard labour. It is only through patients, untiring constructive labour on the part of the rulers backward country like Pakistan can be overcome.

  Maliha Javed

  Wednesday, 13 Nov 2019       603 Views

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