
The key issue in the July 18, 1993 election was political corruption. The liberal democratic party, which had ruled for 37 years, was charged with corruption and had to pay for its whistle. The people believed that it was incapable of cleaning the mess. The Japanese people were the most disciplined people of the world but today they are losing their habits because of electoral corruption and unchecked freedom which are eating into their traditional habits of honesty, hard work and discipline.In China, corruption is gaining momentum. The indiscipline is also following in the footsteps of corruption and several uprisings point out that corruption has gained firm root in that soil too.Ever since Gorbachev’s reforms, the surge of democracy has begun to relax Russia also and with it corruption and indiscipline are also making inroads. Though hardly a new phenomenon, bribery and graft have grown very fast. Corruption is like the air we breathe, says Russia’s eminent investigative journalist Rutskoi. Let us cast a cursory glance at Pakistan age. It has become the age of mammon worship in which money loves, money hates. The lure of money buys morals, entices hearts and enslaves passions. It has made women harlots, men stooges and the governments mere shuttlecocks. Thus a gross materialistic’ approach coupled with insatiable pride gives an edge to commit corrupt practices. Its byproducts are ostentatious living, lavish spending and a pathetic distortion of traditional decencies. Some analysts are of the view that the government itself has certain elements who can be termed as genesis of corruption. The contaminated, stream springs from at the top and gushes down to the smallest mineral of the state contaminating everybody on its course.

Kautiliga Chandika, the Prime Minister of Chandra Gupta Mona, tried to prove that the bureaucracy, as an institution has always been crooked. He presents some beautiful similes to express his thoughts regarding this corrupt class. He says, “it is possible to know even the path of birds flying the sky, but not the ways of officers moving with their intentions concealed”. His words are: ‘’it could not be known when a fish drinks water, similarly, an officer could not be detected while misappropriating money....”

Unemployment and lack of a sound accountability system are responsible for spreading the viral, disease of corruption. The salaries and wages of government and non-government employees are below than the desired graph. The essential commodities are very costly and the employees have to resort to malpractices to make the both ends, meet. Every effort should be made to cleanse the Aegean’s table of each and every department. All the people should try to lay the axe to the root of corruption.It is pity that we are working without effective planning. Whole of the society is running aimlessly with no destination or target in view. In the process, everyone picks whatever comes on his way. It is also one of many reasons of the backwardness. If we want to kill corruption at grass root level, we will have to cap those cavities where the virus of corruption is nourished. If we confine ourselves to the systems alone, we will, at the most, be applying a cosmetic treatment. It merely touches the tip of the iceberg. For a more lasting solution we will have to adopt effective measures to check corruption. Some of them can be helpful in reducing it if not uprooting it. If the following suggestions and practical measures are taken, the cancer of corruption can be cured to a reasonable extent.

1.ffective planning and honest planners are the most wanted elements in eradicating it. 2. Law should be like death which spares nobody. Law makers should not be lawbreakers. They should impose law strictly. 3.Mass media are useful for creating anti-corruption feelings in the minds of the masses. They should be used for positive activities. 4.Red tapism must be ended. 5.Justice delayed is justice denied. In time justice can minimize corruption practices. 6.Political interference should be ended in various fields which lead to malpractices like corruption. 7.Ombudsman on provincial level can also be helpful in reducing the speed of the wheel of corruption. 8.Anti-social activities should be condemned and resisted. 9.Salaries and wages should be increased in order to decrease the chances of corruption. 10. Horse-trading should be banned and politicization of nonpolitical departments should be avoided, retarded, made possible by adopting certain measures. . Stable governments are essential to prevail justice and to uproot corruption. 12. The unemployed class should be provided jobs and recruited purely on merit. 13. Constructive role of Lemma and educated class is a must to take our country to dizzy heights in various fields and their positive struggle can playa role of antidote to the poison of corruption. 14. Education system must be revised and improved according to national .

15. Stress on simple life can be a killer of the monster of corruption. 16. Reformative campaigns should be launched to cleanse the society which is full of corrupt people. 17. Public awareness is a must to eliminate corruption.

The problem at problems i.e., corruption is multi-facetted and we will have to combat it on all possible fronts. The road to salvation lies in acquiring sincerity with the purpose. If we want to be among the developed and leading nations of the world we will have to tackle this monster, otherwise history will mention us as a rotten nation. To do nothing is in everyone’s power and the impossible is often the untried. Let there be progress rather than destruction. Let there be prosperity rather than losses. Let there be productivity rather than inefficiency. Let there be fair play and honesty rather than corruption. Hang a thief when he is young and he shall not steal when he is old. Do not allow the corrupt people to drink like a fish whole the blood of our country.

This burning issue (corruption) must be on the carpet in parliament and dealt with an iron hand so that no one can say that when we talk of corruption, we are only flogging a dead horse. We must reform ourselves and then go all out for drastic measures to force corrupt people to resign (even) from tip to toe. Only proper planning and strictly implemented policies with public support can put a halt to this growing menace. But the question is who will turn these ideas into reality? Who will bell the cat? The custodians themselves are busy in looting. No good man ever became suddenly rich. There must be a court of justice and not a court of law (to judge impartially). Remember he who spares the bad injures the good.

  Maliha Javed

  Wednesday, 13 Nov 2019       666 Views

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