
A healthy opposition and a free press are recognized to be the guardians of democracy. What is found here is a very different type of opposition which involves personal criticism more than the discussion on political matters. In the absence of healthy opposition and constructive criticism, democracy cannot flourish.

Religion plays an important role in the lives of our people. Theologians and religious leaders have gained political power through this source. Pakistan’s intelligentsia and theologians are generally at loggerheads with each other. This has been one of the factors responsible for delay in framing the constitution. It cannot be doubted that some of ne insincere and halt educated leaders block and delay the much needed reforms. There is a great exploitation of religion which is unfortunately used negatively by the religious leaders and politicians.

Religious leaders are playing a very rigid role; they impose on people whatever they want in the name of religious. There is how they become a hurdle in the way to progress. Politicians too play with the sentiments of people. In order to gain their selfish motives, they wear the cloak of religion and convince people to be the only one following the principles of Islam. Our masses are highly emotional and can be easily swayed by these politicians and go to wrong side. Thus, most of the times they make irrational decisions.

Had religion been used properly by lemma and politicians for the guidance of people and country’s welfare, there would have been certainly remarkable improvement in moral values which are declining day by day. In our society today we sadly fall short of the responsibilities of the graduated citizens. Admitting our shortcomings with frankness gives a stab in the heart, no doubt, but to see the reality of it in naked ugliness we have only to go to a cinema show and see the riot which takes place when people buy tickets and see the tug of clothes and the push of shoulders before you can find yourself in possession of a ticket. These scenes for an individual are’ as disgraceful as they are humiliating to a nation. Be it the realm of politics or social relations we, as a people, are not fair to one another from the cinema booth to private dealings. Our life presents a staggering scene of social and moral chaos.

We are passing through a crisis which is national in its width and psychological in depth. In spite of all this we must try to solve our problems. We must be determined to set up new standards for everything. Let us think concretely on these lines, not in terms of slogans but in terms of actual measures to remove the darkness and bring democracy which we need to adopt on a national scale. Only by thus influencing the minds of millions and raising up a generation which readily listens to the voice of social conscience can we produce a better nation. We have to bring democracy which must enter the heart minds of a people before it can enter the precincts of parliamentary houses or be written in a constitution. It has to be cultivated as an attitude, formed as a habit and acquired as a way of life before it can be adopted in practice.

Let us hope for a bright future for: “Every dark cloud has a silver lining.” Or as Shelly says in his poem, “Ode to the West wind” “The trumpet of a prophecy! O wind’ If winter comes, can spring be for behind!’’

  Maliha Javed

  Wednesday, 13 Nov 2019       551 Views

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