- Survival-the greatest achievement of Pakistan
- Economic makes a nation strong
- Internal and external security of the country
- Pakistan and globalization
- Military rule and unstable civilian governments
- Interest politics and prooly-instiutionlised political system
- A strong and committed government is the need of the hour
- Peace and progress through economic and social development
- Need of structural reforms in government system
- Degradation and complete breakdown of our value system
- Conclusion
Fifty six year is a sufficient period for any nation to take a dispassionate stock of its achievements and filings in areas to national power. Pakistan’s birth in 1947 was tumultuous as it entailed colossal problems of survival. The fifty three year period is a mixed baggage of how Pakistan has been able to surmount opportunities that it encountered. The introspection is vital to determine future course of action so as not to repeat the same mistakes which were made either consciously or unconsciously in he past. However, the greatest achievement of our society during these year was the survival against all odds.
The history is a witness that nations who do not learn from their experiences seldom retain their independence.The security of a nation is a vital element to ensure its viability and survival as well as it is essential for securing an environment which will facilitate the process of national growth. Moreover, the concept of national security in itself deserves a continuing debate to determine its elements which include democracy, good government psycho-social and economic aspects besides he obvious imperative of defence.
A strong and visible democratic political and economic system is essential to sustain any nation. In case of Pakistan this element of national power has been quite week from the very inception. Emergence of frequent autocratic and retarded their growth. The feudal, bureaucrats, military junta, religious leaders politicians and business elite .At this stage in Pakistan’s life there is an urgent need to ponder and find ways and mean for developing a governance and economic development.We are living in a age of economic competitiveness. In fact all elements of national power in present times are being directed towards achievement of economic objectives. The economic aspects are crucial specially for Pakistan as a majority of our people are living below the poverty line and suffering various deprivations. Without improving the quality of the lives of our people e cannot emerge as a nation with honour and dignity.
Fortunately, we are endowed with sufficient bounties of nature resources and ensure that the benefits are equitably shared by all the people. The impediments to our economic growth need to be examined and overcome through innovative strategies.
Pakistan since its inception facing serious problem of both, internal security has assumed threatening postures. Given the significant geo-political space in which it operates and being some what handicapped because of the domestic peculiarities and particularities of the South Asian and Central Asian regions. Pakistan’s security quest is almost unending.
The end of cold War and fast erosion of the territorial state growing paramountancy of power, economies and technology support to the developing countries, and the hold of international loan lending agencies over fiscal and monetary policies, freedom moments in Kashmir and the ongoing civil war in Afghanistan and increasing political and discontent within the country because of the colonial, political and administrative setup, the national security has acquired grater importance today. The economic imbalanced between defence expenditure and a very large national debt, corruption and mismanagement of economy is threatening the security and stability of the country.
The neglect of the Agriculture Sector and the ever increasing population has also created a serious problem of food security.The arms race-conventional and nuclear has not only impeded socio-economic development but has also titled the balance of power in favour of India and Pakistan, is being sucked into an unwilling arms race. However the lasting peace and security may be maintained and defend through national economic development.With spectacular progress in the field of science and technology, the whole world has shrunk into a global village.It is considered that economic development is the only secure foundation for domestic, regional and global peace and security. It is also true that origins of conflicts lie deep in socio-economic deprivations, disparities, denial of human rights and true participatory democracy. The prerequisites of a modern civil society are the establishment of the viable democratic insti